BMplast, an industry of the B&M Group, started production in Portugal of personal protective eyewear to avoid contamination by the Covid-19 virus.
In this way, it will make this personal protective equipment available on the national market, entirely produced in Portugal, and with the appropriate European certifications.
These reusable goggles are essential personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent contagion by Covid-19. It is essential equipment for health professionals, firefighters, police, civil protection, but also for ordinary citizens or workers who work with harmful biological agents.
According to Carlos Barros, CEO of the B&M Group. “The decision to start producing this type of equipment arises from the need to respond to the social emergency that may be experienced in these coming months, as an announcement of a strong possibility that we will experience a second wave of the pandemic.”
“We were sensitive to the appeal made by the Ministry of Health so that the business fabric could participate, with its technological contribution and technical know-how, in the production of this type of personal protective equipment. We knew that we would have to meet the essential health and safety requirements required by European standards, namely Standard EN 166:2001. Of course, these glasses will be CE marked.” continues the CEO of the B&M Group.